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Full Motion Physio

The Full Motion Method

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When choosing a physio, there are four essential things to consider:


Sufficient Treatment Time

“Rushed treatment” is one of the biggest complaints in many surveys of patients and physios.


Physio’s Interpersonal Skills

The physio must be able to connect with you, put you at ease.


Physio’s Expertise

The ability to accurately diagnose and explain things in a way the patient can understand. 


Treatment that is Tailored to You

Even patients with the same injury often need different treatment, because their bodies are different!

Independent research shows that the physiotherapy experience in the UK and internationally, isn’t always good:

  • “I just got a sheet with a standard set of exercises on it, and the physio told me to do these at home”
  • “The physio thought she knew best and ignored what I said”
  • “There’s just not enough explanation of the treatment”
  • “The Treatment was rushed. I didn’t feel I had the time to explain things properly”

All these statements were taken from physio patients interviewed by researchers.

So, when you choose a physiotherapist, consider the Four Essential Elements.  You will have a much better experience if you select a physio that meets these requirements.

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The Full Motion Method

My method delivers the four Essential Elements:


Treatment Times

In Clinic treatment times are 45 minutes, I do not compress treatments into 30 minutes. (Online treatments are 30 minutes, since no hands-on therapy is involved).


Interpersonal Skills

I aim to put you at ease and build your trust at every stage. I will show empathy and understanding, because injuries can be mentally challenging.


Physio Expertise

I am a registered physiotherapist (HCPC no. PH103907) with wide experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. I always aim to explain the technical aspects so that patients can understand what’s going on.


Individualised Treatment

I always aim to tailor the treatment to each client, and refine it throughout the recovery process.

Full Motion Method Formula

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Questions & Answers

Other clinics provide 30 minute treatment sessions, why don’t you?

To provide hands-on therapy and all the other elements of a good physiotherapy session, 30 minutes is insufficient. I believe short clinic sessions compromise patient care.

A 45 minute session almost doubles the amount of time available for hands-on therapy, without rushing!

Why are interpersonal skills important when choosing a physio?

Injury is often a mental/emotional challenge, not just a physical one. It is part of the physio’s job to help you with these issues: whether it’s to do with pain management, regaining confidence in an injured area or overcoming the fear of re-injury. This needs good interpersonal skills.

Choosing a physio: with the right Expertise

Most clients don’t want lots of clinical jargon, but they do want to know what the problem is, how the treatment is designed to help them recover, and what they can do themselves to aid recovery.   So the physio need good clinical expertise and the ability to translate that expertise into language the each can understand.

Can’t I just look up my condition on the internet for treatment advice?

This is not a good idea.  Safe and effective physio treatment must be tailored to you, taking account of your medical history, the severity of your condition and current health.  This is why I only provide Individualised Treatment.

Further information: the independent research

The Full Motion Method is built upon extensive independent research into what delivers the best physiotherapy experience. You can view much of this research on-line.
There are thousands of research studies on the subject of physiotherapy – but a good place to start is the meta-study by Mary O’Keeffe, Paul Cullinane and colleagues. It is available to view at Enter the authors name into the search box. If you scroll down to Figure 3 and then the “Description of Results”, you can see the findings. You will then be able to appreciate how the Full Motion Method is consistent with the conclusions of this research.